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If you enjoyed visiting Olivet Commandery, you may be interested in the links shown below. There are links to other Commanderies and related Masonic groups, some of historical interest, and some links just for fun !
The Knights Templar are part of the family of Freemasonry. These links will take you to sites that show the remarkable range of experiences available to our members and their families.
We have also included some sites which explain the history of the Ancient Templars.
These last sites are simply ones that we have enjoyed and want to share with you.

Given the rapid pace of change in this world of ours, and especially on the web, where things change frequently; we ask if you find a "broken link", (that is you click and get an error message), please let the webmaster know so we can update our list. Thank you.

Search Engines
AltaVista You know us as the Internet's original search engine.
Lycos One of the most visited hubs on the Internet reaching one out of every two web users.
Yahoo! With over half a million sites divided into more than 25,000 categories, Yahoo! is both browseable and searchable.
InfoSeek GO Network is a new brand that brings together the very best of the Internet in one, easy to use place.

Favorite Sites
United Grand Lodge of England The Grand Lodge of England established the modern period of Freemasonry in 1717.
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts governs the Lodges in our state. Paul Revere was one of the Grand Masters of this group.
Grand Chapter of Massachusetts A Chapter deepens your understanding of Masonry, and is the first group in the York Rite.
Grand Council of Massachusetts The Council is the second group in the York Rite, and furthers your education.
Grand Commandery of Massachusetts and Rhode Island Commandery is the Christian branch of Freemasonry and completes your education in the York Rite.
Scottish Rite of Massachusetts Confers degrees 4 through 32. Organized into four groups under the overall name of Scottish Rite.

There is an honorary 33 degree, usually given to someone who has worked very hard as a learder of one of the groups or has raised a lot of money for the charities. It cannot be directly earned, it is simply a recognition for a lot of hard work and in spite of what you may read in anti masonic sites has nothing whatsoever to do with satanic practices.
Master Website with Links to lots of Masonic Sites of all kinds This site called "Yorkrite.com" has links to many of the different branches of the large Masonic family of organizations. Try exploring them to see what Masonry is all about.